To make you feel my love, here come's the sun :)

To make you feel my love
On this song Rui plays the piano and we both sing.

Here come's the sun
And on this song I play the guitar and we both sing.


Sorry we have not written in like 10 years.. :)

I'm soo sorry that we haven't written in ages! It was like 4 months ago I or Rui wrote something!! But we have our own bloggs that we'ev been busy with.. Rui's is and mine is . Anyway, this summer Rui and I are on the hunt for a girl drummer! We are still 2 in the band, but hopefully we will be at least 3 in the beginnig of 7th grade. This summer I'm very busy with singing and playing in lots of songs for my dad's birthday party. It's hard because I'm doing it with my sister... Anyway sometimes it works for us and sometimes not. I and Rui are going to try to write more often on this blogg.. I'll put in the other songs that Rui and I played this term!



Heres the song we play in BAnd!


On Friday we have band, and we have already chosen 1 song! I play the bass, because Rui thinks I am too slow on the piano! Meano! We are going to play a colplay song, the song is called lost!
Anyway have 2 go!

A 7-year old after the dentist

Found this video of David whos 7 years old. He acts really weirdly after hes been to the dentist! It's hilarious :)



I love this program

Hello there!

I'm having a boring night so I'm just gonna bomb this blog with posts. First bomb is this tvprogram called Wipeout. It's so funny and Mosa and I were laughing so hard our stomachs felt like they were bursting. Anyway this youtube clip is the english Wipeout, not the swedish one. 


Pay attention to when the people swing towards the cookiecutter! That's the funniest bit. Oh yeah listen carefully, there's a blonde girl that shouts mommy several times ^^ 



At last a post from Ruwsey

Hey everybody (if there is anybody)


So at band Mosa and I play music, daa, but last last time we got a really bad room. I'm not kidding, it had no windows and there were at least 10 amps in there so there was nearly no space to walk around in. Ugh got a litte claustraphobic (spelling?). So we took l o a d s of pics.  Heres a few! 


Well why not we were bored :)


rock on! 


Ye-eah! Moas in the groove :)


A classical rockjump! 


And another one! 


I just love Moas face here :P

Here a pic. about earth hour!

Earth Hour!

I was looking at my friends blog and saw that she had put an artical about earth hour 2009! So I thought i could also do that so that more people would be informed! Earth hour is a special hour when we turn off all the lights for one hour, this will help really much! So please on the 28th of March between 20:30 - 21:30 (8:30 - 9:30 pm) turn off ALL your lights!
Remember YOU can make a differece to our little world!


Nu kommer vi tyvärr sluta skriva på svenska, vi kommer att skriva på engelska i fortsättningen..
//Mosa och Ruwsey


Det här är kläder från monki, jag älskar den här affären.

That 70's show!

  Det här programent älskar jag, så det är därför jag satt ut en liten bit av det.
  Hoppas ni tycker om det,

Amanda Jenssen!


This is us - Keyshia Cole

Jag hittade den här låten igår...Början låter som fergies big girls dont cry! Lyssna (:


Lily Allen!

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